The Problem, Version 5ΒΆ

This example illustrates use of a Python input file for a 3D problem. The problem is similar to, but includes additional stress heterogeneity on the fault. Additionally, this example illustrates how the Python module can be used to query the grid for a problem in order to find grid indices that correspond to a particular spatial location in order to choose output locations.

import fdfault
import numpy as np

# create problem

p = fdfault.problem('tpv5')

# set rk and fd order


# set time step info

refine =  1
nt = 700*refine



# set number of blocks and coordinate information

nx = 200*refine+1
ny = 100*refine+1
nz = 100*refine+1

p.set_nx_block(([nx], [ny, ny], [nz]))

# set block dimensions

p.set_block_lx((0,0,0),(40.,20., 20.))
p.set_block_lx((0,1,0),(40.,20., 20.))

p.set_domain_xm((-20., -20., -20.))

# set block boundary conditions

p.set_bounds((0,0,0),['absorbing', 'absorbing', 'absorbing', 'none', 'absorbing', 'free'])
p.set_bounds((0,1,0),['absorbing', 'absorbing', 'none', 'absorbing', 'absorbing', 'free'])

# turn on artificial dissipation


# set material

cs = 3.464
cp = 6.
rho = 2.67

p.set_material(fdfault.material('elastic', rho, rho*(cp**2-2.*cs**2), rho*cs**2)) 

# set interface type


# set slip weakening parameters

p.add_pert(fdfault.swparam('constant',0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.4, 0.677, 0.525))
p.add_pert(fdfault.swparam('boxcar',0., 0., 20., -17.55, 2.5, 0., 10000., 0., 10.))
p.add_pert(fdfault.swparam('boxcar',0., -17.55, 2.5, -7.5, 7.5, 0., 10000., 0., 10.))
p.add_pert(fdfault.swparam('boxcar',0., 17.55, 2.5, -7.5, 7.5, 0., 10000., 0., 10.))

# add load perturbations

p.add_load(fdfault.load('constant',0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -120., 70., 0.))
p.add_load(fdfault.load('boxcar',0., 0., 1.5, -7.5, 1.5, 0., 11.6, 0.))
p.add_load(fdfault.load('boxcar',0., -7.5, 1.5, -7.5, 1.5, 0., 8., 0.))
p.add_load(fdfault.load('boxcar',0., 7.5, 1.5, -7.5, 1.5, 0., -8., 0.))

# add output unit

#p.add_output(fdfault.output('vf','V',0, nt, 5*refine, 0, nx-1, refine, ny, ny, 1, 0, nz-1, refine))

# on fault stations

onfault = [('-120', '000'), ('-075', '000'), ('-045', '000'), ('000', '000'), ('045', '000'), ('075', '000'), ('120', '000'),
           ('000', '030'), ('-120', '075'), ('-075', '075'), ('-045', '075'), ('000', '075'), ('045', '075'), ('075', '075'), ('120', '075'),
           ('000', '120')]
fields = ['h-slip', 'h-slip-rate', 'h-shear-stress', 'v-slip', 'v-slip-rate', 'v-shear-stress']
fname = ['Ux', 'Vx', 'Sx', 'Uz', 'Vz', 'Sz']
for station in onfault:
    xcoord = float(station[0])/10.
    zcoord = -float(station[1])/10.
    xpt, ypt, zpt = p.find_nearest_point((xcoord, 0., zcoord), known='y', knownloc=ny)
    for fld, fn in zip(fields, fname):
        p.add_output(fdfault.output('faultst'+station[0]+'dp'+station[1]+'-'+fld, fn, 0, nt, 1, xpt, xpt, 1,
                                    ypt, ypt, 1, zpt, zpt, 1))

# off fault stations

offfault = [('030', '-120', '000'), ('030', '120', '000'), ('030', '-120', '075'), ('030', '120', '075')]
fields = ['h-vel', 'v-vel', 'n-vel']
fname = ['vx', 'vz', 'vy']

for station in offfault:
    xcoord = float(station[1])/10.
    ycoord = float(station[0])/10.
    zcoord = -float(station[2])/10.
    xpt, ypt, zpt = p.find_nearest_point((xcoord, ycoord, zcoord))
    for fld, fn in zip(fields, fname):
        p.add_output(fdfault.output('body'+station[0]+'st'+station[1]+'dp'+station[2]+'-'+fld, fn, 0, nt, 1, xpt, xpt, 1,
                                    ypt, ypt, 1, zpt, zpt, 1))



The following shows the model geometry:


The problem uses the same block setup as, with two patches on the fault with different initial shear stresses on the fault. To the right of the hypocenter, there is a patch with reduced shear stress, and to the left of the hypocenter, there is a patch with increased shear stress. These patches are implemented using the load class, which is used to specify the various traction perturbations in the problem. Each one of the stress heterogeneities is implemented with the 'boxcar' perturbation, which is a rectangular patch with a constant stress inside that falls to zero outside the rectangular patch. Otherwise, the setup is identical to

One additional capability illustrated in this example is the use of the find_nearest_point method of a problem. Once the simulation geometry has been specified, this method generates a grid on the fly in order to query the grid and find the closest point to the location specified. find_nearest_point can be used to find points in the 3D volume (the case where find_nearest_point is called with a tuple of length 3 of floats representing spatial coordinates), or along a 2D slice in order to find points on an interface such as a fault (the case where find_nearest_point is called with the known and knownloc arguments). For the 3D version, the method simply finds the nearest point to the given coordinates. For the 2D version, the search is only carried out in 2 directions while the coordinate specified by known is held constant with the index given by knownloc. Once the nearest indices to the point in question are found, that point is added to the output list using the output class.

A note to users: as with, the standard resolution for this problem is such that the problem will run on a powerful desktop system with multiple processors. However, this is not sufficient for simulations for publication in a scientific jounral or other practical application, and simulations of those magnitudes will likely require a multi-node computer cluster to run the simulation in a reasonable amount of time.